Posted in Write On Wednesday

Write on Wednesday #20


Today’s Writing Prompt:

Take a paragraph from one of your favorite stories or book and rewrite it.  Examine how your changes will effect the outcome of the story.  This may inspire you to continue writing.

I do this exercise when I am feeling uninspired or what most people described as blocked.  Actually, writers are never blocked they are just are not seeing the various ways to inspire them to create.

Posted in Write On Wednesday

Write on Wednesday #2 Finding the Time

Today’s Writing Prompt:  “I was told never to come back to this place, but…”

If you are not fortunate enough to be a full-time writer, it may be a struggle for you to find the time to write.  Many of us have full-time jobs, family, and other commitments that are a part of our lives as well.  Here are a few tips that I have found useful in my life.

iBourgie’s Writing Tips — Finding the Time

  1. Create your own deadlines.  Just because you make your own schedule does not mean that your work should be unstructured.  Set a daily or weekly word limit and stick to it.  This will keep you writing and force you to make time for it.
  2. Schedule breaks.  We have all sat in front of a monitor for hours frantically typing away because we finally got a chance to sit down and write.  During this writing marathon, schedule a 5-15 minute breaks every hour.  Rest your eyes, get a bite to eat, stretch, anything that gets you up and moving.  You will feel better if you do.
  3. Always carry pen and paper.  I realize that most writers do this anyway, but I have found that keeping several small notebooks in various places works best for me.  Keep one at work, by the bed, in your purse/briefcase, and in your car.  This may seem like a lot, but this reduces the risk of carrying around one large notebook or journal that will fill up quickly and if you write everything in one notebook there is the possibility of losing everything in it.  Plus, there is always one handy when you need it. (I even have one in the bathroom)
  4. Write when you can.  You may not have office space or a designated spot to just sit and create, but you can create that spot.  You are a creative person.  Tune out your surroundings and create.  You can write while you are sitting in the car line waiting to pick your child up from school or in the waiting room of the doctor’s office.  Don’t let valuable time be underutilized.
  5. Take help when you can.  There are times when people offer to do something for you and you graciously decline.  Stop doing that!  Take that offer to babysit for you, take your shift, or whatever nicety those little angels want to do for you.
  6. Don’t just sit there.  Write something.  Don’t let writers’ block be an excuse for a blank computer screen.  Write something.  It doesn’t have to be brilliant.  I will probably be crap, but at least you will have something to work with.